Blake Snell On MLB 2020 Season: ‘I’m not playing unless I get mine’ – Fan Reactions Flood Social Media (Video)
Blake Snell – clown or hero? Right now that debate is going on via social media as the Rays pitcher has said he will not play in 2020 if he doesn’t get his full salary. Under normal circumstances, I would agree with him, but in this instance, I’m not 100-percent in his corner – here’s why.
Personally, I am all for capitalism. As in ALL for it. If someone is willing to pay you $500/hr to count boxes of cereal, widgets, or push a broom for a living, then, by all means, you should take it.
That is the definition of capitalism. And if you have a contract, your employer should honor it. But the entire year of 2020 has not been what is known as “normal.”
The comments made by Blake Snell about playing baseball this season aren’t sitting well with many very hardworking folks who want to see MLB return.
Snell didn’t seem concerned at first about his or other player’s health when speaking about a possible MLB return, he seemed much more concerned about getting paid.
“No, I gotta get my money. I’m not playing unless I get mine, OK? And that’s just the way it is for me. Like, I’m sorry you guys think differently, but the risk is way the hell higher and the amount of money I’m making is way lower. Why would I think about doing that?”
Blake makes great points to a degree. However, he makes it sound like he is a man who makes $10/hr at the neighborhood grocery store, and not his $19,000+ a day salary with the Rays.
According to ESPN, Snell will make $7 million in 2020, and his salary will grow from there.
Snell recently inked a deal that runs through 2024 worth $50 million. Once again, the Rays are paying him for what he contributes to the team and their franchise. So no matter that number, he deserves it.
But in a year where people are struggling for a sense of normal, Snell, and MLB could become legendary just by playing the game that pays them very well.
Should they be worried about COVID-19? Of course! But with no fans at games and daily testing for the COVID-19 virus, plyers will be well taken of.
So while you are making a valid point Blake, don’t be shocked if the average working man changes his opinion about you and the game of baseball itself.
Yes, health should be everyone’s top concern at this time – but it seems fair to say after watching Snell’s explanation that if the owners decided to pay the entire deal to players for 2020, Snell would be the first one running on the field.
The average hard-working fan is mad at what Snell is saying, and you can’t blame them.

This Twitter user is obviously being sarcastic, and he is far from alone.

Jordan Burrows’ comparison to workers who have been deemed “essential” is getting plenty of reaction as well.
Preston Gebhart’s post also received lots of reactions with people in disagreement with Snell’s perspective.

What do you think? Like all of us, Snell has the right to his opinion – and fans have a right to theirs. Here is a look at Snell’s exact words during a recent video release.